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(adjective) emergent | i-ˈmər-jənt

+ arising as an effect of complex causes, as a sum of their parts

+ in the process of coming into being, becoming newly formed or


+ calling for immediate action, requiring urgent action


EMERGENT is a design & research studio working at architecture's intersection with urbanism, landscape, and infrastructure. Fascinated with how emergent patterns, paradigms, and phenomena impact our constructed environments in an era of rapid urbanization, we investigate these spatial conditions by engaging in design & consulting work that cuts across multiple scales and forms of representation (from cartographic mapping to architectural graphic novels) that are able to speak to a diverse set of audiences & stakeholders.

Based in New York but operating sensitively in multi-regional contexts around the globe, we believe that it is imperative to carefully ask the right questions before providing solutions. Accordingly, each of our catalogued investigations seeks to examine emerging questions facing our rapidly evolving constructed environments - believing that design holds vast potential for critiquing and intervening in the cultural, social, ecological, environmental, and infrastructural issues facing our contemporary cities and their landscapes. Armed with both design and the research that frames it, our investigations act as a 'cog' in addressing solutions to these emerging questions.


Our multi-scalar work ranges from design projects in key sites, to cartographic mappings that reveal latent potentials for policy & planning, to site-less design-research speculations that critique contemporary conditions, to architectural graphic novels & exhibitions aimed at impacting a wide audience. Collectively, they act as a toolkit of ideas for tackling emergent questions in a rapidly urbanizing world.



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Evan is an architect, urbanist, researcher and educator who is the director of Emergent Studio. He founded the studio following a decade of professional working experience in the architecture & urban design fields, in both the private & public sectors.


In addition to directing Emergent, Evan was recently appointed to the full-time faculty at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) where he teaches as an Assistant Professor of Architecture. He has previously taught at a variety of institutions including at Parsons School of Design, the City College of New York (CCNY), the University of Virginia (UVA), and at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design (GSD).


Throughout his career, he has...


Have a design or research project in mind? Looking to collaborate on a joint venture together? Interested in joining our studio?

We would love to hear from you!

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